Principal's Message
To all students, families, and others visiting our page, a very warm welcome to Knoch Primary School! My name is Dr. Gregory Boerio (Dr. B.), and I am the KPS Principal. At KPS, the administration, teachers, and staff focus on collaboration, planning, and setting goals centered around all its students' academic and social-emotional growth. This requires teamwork and a culture that is focused on learning by all of its members. Our School-Wide Positive Behavior Support framework is centered around providing a positive, safe, and consistent learning environment for all students. The framework is designed to teach, reteach, and positively reinforce our universal behavioral expectations to Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Productive. The KPS team recognizes the importance of utilizing data to make informed decisions grounded in research and supported by purpose, intention, love, and a little fun! Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, suggestions, or concerns. I am looking forward to the 2024-2025 school year partnering together to fulfill our mission of being student-centered and future-focused for all learners!
Dr. B.
Dr. Gregory Boerio, Principal
Knoch Primary School