Mrs. Roxberry's Class Talks Turkey!

Mrs. Roxberry's class has been busy tackling the age-old question "How do you cook the perfect turkey?"  Students in kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade studied about Thanksgiving feasts from different parts of our country.  The common theme in every part of the United States was the main course: the turkey.   
Students used critical thinking skills, prior knowledge, giving directions, and various types of measurement to create a plan to give directions on how to cook a turkey.  Much thought was put into ingredients, length of time to cook, size of turkey, and then step-by-step directions on how to put it all together. Turkeys ranged in size from 1 pound to 100 pounds, and cooking time ranged from 30 minutes to 55 hours. 
A job well done across curriculum and adapted for each of the three grade levels to fully participate in the activities.
pic of a worksheet
pic of a worksheet